Man, I so often find myself down and depressed about my own sinfulness. Why because so often it is the same thing over and over. Shouldn't I at some point grow up and move passed my faults. My understanding is that God understands my sins to the point he sent Jesus to die for them. God was aware that I was ensnared in a way that I could never free myself. I share the same faults as the disciples that walked with Jesus yet failed to understand completely what he was up to. This is me. I walk with him awhile but then there are times my selfishness takes center stage. So this came to me this morning the idea that Paul talked to the church of Rome about. It is the idea of freedom from sin. Before knowing God in a personal way I know I was doomed to make choices that dishonored God. What about now though? Am I doomed to continue in the (strive, fail, apologize) pattern or can I rise above it being free in Christ? Paul though he also penned the words, "I do what I know I shouldn't and don't do what I know I should" seems to suggest that indeed we are free in Christ.
Rom 8
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,awho 1do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For bthe law of cthe Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from dthe law of sin and death.
It seems that rising above means learning to walk in the Spirit. I watch my children struggle with walking in the Spirit. I often wonder if they will ever do it. But really theres me. I don't do as well as I should and I would propose even though it is possible it is very hard. It takes commitment and sacrifice and prayer when you really want to sleep or do something else.
God help me to learn to be free. God help to learn to walk in your Spirit. Thank you for the grace of the "no condemnation in Christ" part without that we would all be up a river without a paddle.
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